As you said, thank God for Archbishop Lefebvre!!! And thank you for having written a marvelous book, “SSPX The Defense”. I like going back to it often.

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"It is astounding to me, and I am sure to you as well, that after 50 years of this insanity, there are still detractors of the Archbishop looking to damn our Athanasius based on legalist interpretations of Canon Law."

This is a good hagiography and a robust defence of Abp. Lefebvre, Mr. Hall. However, if you are asserting that ALL the detractors of the Archbishop are insane legalists/modernists, I must respectfully disagree.

The reality is that many priests and faithful from communities like the FSSP and ICKSP simply have a very strong sense of obedience, and since they perceive the lives of their own parishes to be entirely traditional but also in a regular relationship with Rome, they conclude that the disobedience of the SSPX was unnecessary and hence unjustified.

Are they lacking in intimate historical knowledge of the situation? Likely so. However, their desire to obey Rome is deeply Catholic (in fact, essential to Catholicism), and Canon Law, while not absolute, cannot be shrugged off.

These people aren't legalists or modernists; they are traditional Catholics trying to navigate a complicated situation in their own lives and trying to understand a very complex situation in history.

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Kennedy, I’d like to hear your take on Bishop Williamson’s position regarding “Newsociety.”


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Thanks, good article and comprehensive. Your point about thousands of religious leaving the priesthood and holy orders: I want to think this through somewhat and question their formation. I'm perplexed that men and women could take such a profound step in self-laicisation if they had been properly formed as nuns and priests. Does this not suggest that the rot was firmly at work before the Council? and that Vatican II was not the point of departure, but the arrival?

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Mr Hall, is there a more detailed account of Archbishop Lefebvre's family - even more than you've written here? I just downloaded your SSPX: The Defence and skimmed through the early bio (I plan to read everything, of course). But you have really piqued my interest in his early life and that of his parents. Is there another book you would recommend for a deeper treatment of his family and early life? Thank you!

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Powerful writing, Hall. Thank you.

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This is a solid piece. Love the recurrent motif of Greek mythology/Hildebrand thesis, as well the etymology of Lefebvre’s literal name. Bellissima!

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