Are Saints better than atheists? Objectively yes. Are religious people all saints. No.

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Thank you Teacher. It’s never too late to learn. I’m 65 yrs and following in my mom’s steps in prolife activism In my research I always felt the enemy’s goal was to to have sex without babies and babies with out sex.

Trump’s promotion of IVF, infertility from captain warp speed agenda, and his ties to the synagogue has me SCARED! I believe their goal is not only to have the “government “ control the ability who has children, but creating a new master race

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Michael Matt on Remnant has done a powerful reply to Trump's about face on murder and the violation of the Creator God. Until sex is removed from the animalistic snack plate humanity will continue to descend into perdition whoever is President. He is clearly one of 'them' and just the other side of the same coin. You cannot serve two masters so we must pray for him that the Holy Ghost gives him the Grace to rise above the filth of political games. Forget him and don't be scared. Persecution and martyrdom is the fate of true and faithful Catholics. Surround yourself with the Holy Ghost and come what may!

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Thank you. Always interesting and thought provoking.

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