Sep 25Liked by Kennedy Hall

Thank you, I needed to hear this. I am old, widowed and I I’ve been listening to all the talking heads and what they’ve been putting out and have been so fearful of the future. I pray the rosary and other prayers every day but then go online and get upset and ticked off. Thank you again

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Thanks, Hall. Many people need to hear stuff like this Your podcast reminded me how I’ve already come down to I’m not going to be perpetually upset and obsessed about the nonsense. I’m focused on growing in holiness and looking at the nonsense as fool’s errands that will pass away. The Psalms teach us that the wicked shall be here for a time and then gone. I’d much rather focus on Mass, my devotions, keeping the Commandments and my duties of state. You’re right. These things will pass away.

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Sep 25Liked by Kennedy Hall

Your message is hitting home. It's well-articulated and prescient. I miss Montréal - used to make two trips a year from Kentucky to see the Expos play, visit the churches, and enjoy the gastronomic delights. Expos Toujours!

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Sep 26Liked by Kennedy Hall

Very edifying Kennedy. I must fear God, fear not the spectacle of the election. The principality wants you to vote, not because they need your vote, but because they want you to participate in the spectacle.

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Sep 26Liked by Kennedy Hall

Excellent stuff! Everyone needs to hear this. We need to learn asap how to abandon ourselves to the Lord and hope, hope and hope in Him who can do all things. Thank you Kennedy!

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Sep 25Liked by Kennedy Hall

Quid hoc ad aeternitatem!!👍🙏♥️Thanks!

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Sep 25Liked by Kennedy Hall

Thank you very much Kennedy.

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9 hrs agoLiked by Kennedy Hall

Thank you also for your wisdom. I tend to get too wrapped up in current affairs in the church and the world. However, I have been praying the rosary daily for over 20 years now and attend mass and adoration as much as possible. I am convinced that reading scripture and praying the rosary has kept me sane and Our Lord and Our Lady has kept my family from falling apart. God Bless.

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20 hrs agoLiked by Kennedy Hall

Thank you so much. You don’t know how much I needed to hear this today.

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22 hrs agoLiked by Kennedy Hall

Wonderful! God has been trying to tell me this lately! Yes, I am about to hit three quarters of a century and realize how true your statements are. God bless you.

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Sep 25Liked by Kennedy Hall

Good message, prayers for you and your family!!

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Many outstanding points here. Since my conversion in 2009, most of these have occurred to me with increasing clarity, strength and speed.

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Modernism is the philosophy of un reality. Its killing the church.

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I find problematic,Catholics who don't see how JP2 and Benedict are a lot like

Francis and what he teaches. Esp. All Religions are the same!

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Do not worry. These things are not in your control. Let them go. Praying and studying the faith are. Know the serenity prayer and leave all in God's hands. Prayer for the Church and the clergy will give you peace of mind. Know you are not alone. God bless you.

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Listening to your video was a great encouragement and affirmation of my own practices for keeping the Catholic Faith in this crazy world. I'm retired senior widow. since becoming a third order SSPX member I find that no TV, daily breviary, daily Mass, and at least one Rosary every day is an excellent way to stay on track and not get too distracted by worldly things. I would really encourage anyone who wants to grow in their faith to look into becoming Third order SSPX. Many times people think it is too difficult. But if you are really serious about growing in faith this is a great place to start. The first year is as a postulant where you kind of "try on the habit" of prayer and devotion. After a year you can decide ...perhaps

take more time to discern, decide not to proceed, or make a permanent commitment to follow the 3rd Order SSPX Rule.

I think there's less than 100 members in Canada. I don't know why there isn't more. Maybe it needs more publicity. What do you think Kennedy?

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Yes, God is the Lawgiver. The fall of Adam and Eve happened when they believed the lie that they could decide what is right and wrong, themselves. It's the pride of believing oneself to be god. It's the religion of Satan, and his servants (Globalists, Modernists, Freemasons, Joos, etc,).

I agree with your attitude of ignoring most of it. I'm certainly not going to be manipulated by fear of Kommie Kamala to compromise my faith, and vote for clowns who support abortion pills. That's just ridiculous.

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