IHMO, 90% of the daily Mass attendees of the Novus Ordo think that Bergoglio is an Antipope.

Daily Mass attendees pray a lot. The Lord has not kept them in the dark. They keep quiet about it. We love our priests.

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I am worn out. Put a fork in me. I am done.

There several reasons that Jose Maria Bergoglio is an Antipope

1) Invalid resignation of Benedict XVI

2) Invalid acceptance of the Papacy (the Vigano argument)

3) Heretic behavior: Pacamama

4) Heretical actions : heresy, tyranny.

5) all of the above.

I pray for many things. But, a Catholic Pope is high on the list.

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So now one actually can be more Catholic than the Pope.

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Remember the good old times when someone answers in the affirmative by saying "Is the Pope Catholic?"

LOL Good times.

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The novus ordo priest said at the mass this morning that we should apply discernement because some of us believe that we're more catholic than the pope. I walked out at that moment. About a half hour after the mass I ran into him in the supermarket. We smiled and shook hands, no hard feelings but this is wearisome.

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Bergoglio is a Lutheran. Any Catholic is more Catholic than him.

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Remember when they said we’d just be left with nothing but our Bible, rosary, and scapular?

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Regarding the Pope, God has given him free will which the Pope can abuse!

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Thanks for your thoughts on this Kennedy. I have been ignoring the podcasts about it because it is so obvious Francis is a heretic and attacking Vigano because he started actually calling him out. Whether or not he is still the real pope is above my pay grade. I wont listen to a thing he says until he repents and gets an exorcism.

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The good news is- we have the play book to win the game. We all need to stay joyful because Jesus rewards the faithful…no matter the season:)

Thank you Kennedy for your podcast. I enjoy your humor added to a factual presentation of all things Catholic.

I look forward to reading many more of your articles, especially ones with catechetical value.

*I especially like the way you pronounce “been”- we Americans don’t sound nearly as fancy haha!

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We love you Brother Kennedy. You are being careful with this and we can understand. By their fruits we shall know them. Archbishop Vigano is a true Catholic. We know in our heart that disobedience of the Pope is necessary when he attacks the Holy Catholic Church as established by Jesus Christ our only King.

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Until the normies want him gone it won’t happen. He has a 70% approval with the N.O. Clan

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Bergoglio is definitely working to create chaos to mirror what is going on worldwide in society. We know who is behind this and his time is short. In the meantime we have the truth sayers and the heretics and our church is fracturing and souls are in peril. As the Holy Mother has stated repeatedly in her apparitions, “penance, penance penance” and “pray”. We must be as those during the Arian Heresy…we must stick to the Gospel, the Law (10 Commandments), and the true Magisterium of the Church. Our priests and bishops need our prayers. Only God can fix our mess.

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I’m amazed you don’t find the “Beneplenist position” convincing. In my mind it’s so obviously true. But then I read a lot of Ms Barnhardt and I guess we can’t expect much unanimity through our confusing times. At least there’s a growing number of “recognize and resist” Catholics across the board. I gather the SSPX position would be less favorable if the Francis didn’t have the authority they think he has to grant them the jurisdiction he has granted. But Benedict resigned “the active ministry of the Papacy” but maintained he remained “in the enclosure of St Peter” and after his “resignation” acted in ways showing himself to be “Papal”. Definitely seems like a “substantial error” in his act of resignation to me. But I love you Mr Hall and pray from you and all your listeners. Will be driving 2 hrs one way to attend my first SSPX Mass this Sunday so please keep us in your prayers as well. Blessings 🌹

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I love these podcasts and rugby, too :-) from Steubenville, Ohio ;-) and FUS :-)

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1. Sedevacantism is NOT a solution, but a position. The position is, the confusion of the faithful owes to the would-be authorities advancing heresies during & since Vatican II that the Church herself had condemned as heretical prior to Vatican II. The popes & their appointees have all declared these heresies to be accepted teaching of the Church, and have put themselves outside the Church, not by the private opinion of anyone or any group, but by their deliberate rejection of the known & proclaimed truths of the Church2. Sedes know already that the Church must at some point make a judicial decision on the matter of popes, nor does anyone who hold the Sede position in its entirety believe that anyone can be excommunicated for disagreements on speculations of what form that future declaration must take. 3. The ecumenism embraced & declared as Catholic by V2 and all its successive popes is the source of all the liturgical & doctrinal errors. Its propounders that the Church is a visible Society, since supposedly many outside her jurisdiction somehow “belong to her”. 4. Since we cannot associate with men we know are murderers just because they haven’t been charged & convicted & imprisoned, so in a much stronger way must we not associate with soul murderers, who reduce conversion to the Church to an option & not an imperative, and embraces the whole mankind as if they were already saved in some fashion. 4. Sedes assert the traditional position on papal primacy and on his plenipotentiary power over the whole Church, collectively and individually. We cannot take up the liberal position on the papacy, that the pope has to be limited. 5. The fear that the faithful have on acting on the manifest facts is due to a circular argument, in which the conclusion (“pope x is pope” cannot be advanced as a premise (“he’s the pope, so he has no superior”). 6. The faithful are temporizing to the detriment of the faith & the Church & to their own lives. If the faithful can be so cowed by shadow plays on the wall into saying they can’t be certain whether X is pope, when the faith makes it clear he is not even Catholic, then the whole spiritual action & intent is diffused. We are left juggling matters which the Faith itself & the Church herself, and the Holy Ghost guiding her have already made clear. 7. The only uncertainties about the substance & detail of Church teaching, her identity, mission & liturgy date from the proposal of a Council, from the time that the barriers to heretics were eradicated before V2. If it does not demonstrate the Sede position to be true, the Sede position is the only one that takes account for all the scandals dating from the V2 era.

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Sesboué examined it in his book "De Mgr Lefebvre à Mgr Williamson: anatomie d'un schisme".

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It's orthogonal. That's a mathematics and logic thing. They need not be linked. LOL It's not complicated.

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