Free masonry parallels with Satanism

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I wonder if he is a mason given the fact he’s got dementia.

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They did The Same Thing To Ronald Reagan

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Thank you for bringing this plague to the forefront Kennedy.

Freemasonry, especially at the higher levels is basically Satanism in disguise.

Former Freemason Altiyan Childs exposed their evil ways in a 5+ hour expose on them. Links here:



I watched the whole 5+ hours. Very well cited and highly revealing - especially of those in entertainment, politics, and even many pastors (e.g., Billy Graham, Joel Osteen, Fr Jim Sichko - just look at the cover of his book 'Among Friends' in which he displays a blatant Freemasonic gesture).

But I would add, Kennedy, that one of the main reasons why the Freemasons are evil and anti-Christian is their Royal Arch oath which reads as follows:

"I furthermore promise and swear, that I will assist a companion royal arch Mason, when I see him engaged in any difficulty, and will espouse his cause so far as to extricate him from the same, whether he be RIGHT or WRONG!!!

I furthermore promise and swear, that I will keep all the secrets of a companion royal arch Mason (when communicated to me as such, or I knowing them to be such,) without exception."

This is why we see corrupt, evil, and criminals get released all the time with next to no consequences. I just had a subscriber of mine yesterday reveal to me that this happened this year with a well-known politician in Canada being released very quickly despite having committed a serious crime. It is a serious problem in our courts (with judges and lawyers, as well as Law Enforcement - as I have discussed with two former detectives on my podcast).

I've also written a little bit about the Freemasons (and other secret societies) in one of my series, see


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I do wonder how many Freemasons are Protestant clout chasers not fully realizing what they are doing, of course, ignoring the Catholic critique of Freemasonry, and thereby endangering their souls. They yearn for order, tradition, respect, and yes, their version of smells and bells. I fully accept the Catholic teaching on Freemasonry, but it is a sad situation for these Libertines and their families. It opens them up to all sorts of demonic attack. Thank you, Kennedy, for bringing this to light.

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