Sha da lada ding dong so where is my lottery ticket, I love your work my friend.

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Here is my personal experience of the charismatic renewal from the late 70s early 80s. My husband and I were raised Protestant and we were introduced to the charismatic renewal through friends and we started attending an Assemblies of God church in Flint MI. There was much excitement over an ecumenical gathering at Holy Redeemer in Burton MI that we were all encouraged to attend. This gathering all prayed together. Catholics may have thought that these ecumenical gatherings would bring Protestants into the Catholic Church, but I don’t know anyone who swam the Tiber at that time, but I can name Catholic families who joined our Assemblies of God church. My husband and I converted to the One, True church, outside of which there is no salvation in 2007, 2008. Reading GK Chesterton’s “Everlasting Man” and CS Lewis’s “Mere Christianity” brought me to the point where I realized (thank you Holy Spirit) that I was outside the church, not inside as I had always thought. Kennedy can you address the “Catholic Way Bible Study” which is taught by Lavinia Spirito who is part of the Renewal family. She taught that the account of Creation in Genesis is a myth and only Protestant fundamentalists believe that Genesis is literal history. This is total modernism pushing materialism. Our parish in northern Michigan offers the CWBS. I have no idea what are Ms Spirito’s qualifications.

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The thing is, when people quote things like the Great Commission just before Our Lord ascended, ( and other times He spoke to the Apostles ) Our Lord was speaking to the hierarchy. Not the laity.

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It almost seems like the “Catholic” Charismatic Renewal has fabricated their own quasi sacraments and rites that they can sanction and administer without the authority and approval of the Church.

Scary stuff.

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This was great. When I became Catholic 5 years ago I thought the One True Faith was solid and reasonable, then I started coming across things like Charismania and Medjugorje. Love seeing these dismantled. And I think you’re right, they (Renewal Ministries) haven’t been challenged and if you watch their YouTube videos and don’t know your theology, you would think of them as fairly conservative Catholics. It’s about time somebody called papaya papaya papaya by it’s true name - heresy. Bravo.

By the way, I love long audio.

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You are completely correct. Charismatic movement is a bunch of highly ignorant catholics no matter how many degrees they have who are leading people to satan.

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This isnt a video, how can we see the clips?

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I have the same concern. It would be much more effective if we could see the video.

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Oh boy...

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