When I read about the excitement of the demons just prior to covid it made me think of my first seriously ill covid patient. I was in the room for hours because I was doing dialysis and I had to stay at the bedside. We didn’t know how exactly it spread at that time so I was wearing a full suit with a battery pack and respirator and they would wipe me down with bleach when I exited the room. So I just sat and tended my machine and prayed.

He just kept getting worse and I fully expected him to die on Easter. I kept praying the rosary and DM chaplet for him. He was a Catholic and no priests were allowed to give last rites. No visitors. When I left that day I was sure he would die as he was on multiple Iv drips for low blood pressure, the ventilator settings were maxed out. They were doing everything for him, but he was failing.

I came back weeks later and he had recovered. Even his kidneys had recovered. Almost nobody recovered after organs started failing . It never occurred to me that Mary had answered my prayers and intervened. I was a new Catholic and didn’t fully comprehend her intercessory capacity. I imagine she sent the demons packing. I pray a lot of rosaries for my patients, but that was the most miraculous recovery I ever witnessed.

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I am completely in awe the Divine timing of our conversation

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Bought Charles Fraune’s book, read the chapter on covid. It doesn’t address the vaccines. Surely there is an occult element in the abortion tainted vaccines.

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Here is something I covered about the [Satanic] ritualistic aspect of the Covid-19 "vaccines" in my Synagogue of Satan Series:

The Covid-19 Pandemic


As you can see, this was some pretty dark stuff.

There are actually many other evil aspects to the C19 vaccines, but I'll leave it at that.

Since you mentioned abortion, in my same work, I covered that dark topic too:

- Modern Baal worship (and abortion), https://fournier.substack.com/i/139980155/modern-baal-worship-and-abortion

I don't enjoy writing about these topics, but these evils must be exposed.

May God help us all.

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More than half way through and this is an absolutely fascinating talk!

I've been studying this stuff for decades. I'm inclined to buy some of Mr. Fraune's books now!

A couple of years ago, I did a full series on the Paranormal with 24 episodes. In my first episode, I go way back to the oldest religion - Wicca (which is often referred to as the 'Old religion', as it existed thousands of years before the great religions such as Christianity).

- Episode 1 video: https://rumble.com/v1fcg4x-paranormal-phenomenon-episode-1-introduction-and-historical-backdrop.html

PPT: http://liberty-academy.org/teens-adults/paranormal_phenomenon/ppt-slides/01-Historical_Backdrop.pdf

Episode 16 focused on Angels & Demons:


PDF: http://liberty-academy.org/teens-adults/paranormal_phenomenon/ppt-slides/16-Angels_&_Demons.pdf

Full series here: http://liberty-academy.org/teens-adults/paranormal_phenomenon/paranormal_phenomenon.html

There is so much in the field of the Occult, it is mind-boggling. The Tarot alone (which is in fact an ancient book of knowledge) has copious amounts of knowledge hidden therein.

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