The book that convinced me of all you’re saying is Colleen Hammond’s Dressing With Dignity. Colleen herself now wears pants, but her book is a fabulous Catholic defense of modesty.
You are absolutely correct that dresses and skirts can be worn in all situations. I exercise in skirts — cardio with legs and arms moving significantly— and I do farm work — milking cows, feeding livestock, etc. — in heavy duty denim skirts. We have sub zero temperatures here, so I do wear insulated leggings under my skirts, but they act like stockings would have in past generations. I do wear bloomers under daily wear just in case a breeze comes along or one of my younger kids decides to flip my skirt, but I see them as adding an extra layer of modesty.
I grew up wearing pants and they are far less comfortable and are super hot in the summer. Just practically speaking, I don’t understand the hype.
My niece and her daughters wear skirts all the time and their reasons convinced me to also. Skirts are easy snd tights and bloomers are great in winter.
I live on the coast of south Texas where it’s extremely hot AND windy for most of the year. Skirts/dresses just aren’t practical here. Playing soccer with my son in a dress in 100 degree weather with 30 mile per hour wind…yeah not going to work.
I don’t subscribe to feminists views, I never have, but in some situations pants and shorts are the only clothing that works. Heat stroke will kill you down here.
The Oneida utensils were made in China. So they are not made in USA. The name Oneida is just a brand name now. Just like so many other brands that were made here but not anymore.
My wife has always been beautiful, now 77 years old and still beautiful. She loves wearing dresses and skirts! I think that the culprit of pants-wearing manifests a root spiritual deficit in Western society that must either change or it will destroy itself. Women must be beautiful and men must be spiritual heads of families! This is where culture will triumph and drive out feminism and their baby killing. The social disease is more pronounced in Western Europe. as we observe the Islamist taking over. American women must export femininity!
Great video ! And I liked that lady's video also (aside from some vulgarities). I liked her discussion about use of natural fibers also. I can't for the life of me figure out why polyester is so popular for sweat- inducing activities, yuck.
Dear Kennedy: Thank you so much for this very enlightening video! The trend towards slovenly attire is a plague on our society and its norms. Regarding female gym attire: while shorts and tank tops seem suitable for men “working out” the very tight fitting leotards and “yoga pants that women typically are wearing in gym setting quite frankly seem to do more with “making out” than working out. They are grossly immodest. But given many men’s propensity to leer at scantily dressed women I can now understand why many health conscious women choose only to attend women-only gyms. Because I try to avoid occasions of sin I find that when I am working out I have to avert my eyes whenever I am around women working out. Of course this also applies whenever I am encountering immodestly dressed women in public outside of the gym settings. Maintaining chastity in today’s society, which requires cleanliness of thoughts as well as behavior, really is much more difficult for believers today than it was in former times.
The book that convinced me of all you’re saying is Colleen Hammond’s Dressing With Dignity. Colleen herself now wears pants, but her book is a fabulous Catholic defense of modesty.
You are absolutely correct that dresses and skirts can be worn in all situations. I exercise in skirts — cardio with legs and arms moving significantly— and I do farm work — milking cows, feeding livestock, etc. — in heavy duty denim skirts. We have sub zero temperatures here, so I do wear insulated leggings under my skirts, but they act like stockings would have in past generations. I do wear bloomers under daily wear just in case a breeze comes along or one of my younger kids decides to flip my skirt, but I see them as adding an extra layer of modesty.
I grew up wearing pants and they are far less comfortable and are super hot in the summer. Just practically speaking, I don’t understand the hype.
My niece and her daughters wear skirts all the time and their reasons convinced me to also. Skirts are easy snd tights and bloomers are great in winter.
Super comprehensive Kennedy. Totally right.
I live on the coast of south Texas where it’s extremely hot AND windy for most of the year. Skirts/dresses just aren’t practical here. Playing soccer with my son in a dress in 100 degree weather with 30 mile per hour wind…yeah not going to work.
I don’t subscribe to feminists views, I never have, but in some situations pants and shorts are the only clothing that works. Heat stroke will kill you down here.
Fascinating and revealing that you think fighting Nazis is ‘Masonic’ and evil.
The 18th century clothing worn with tattoos is kinda anachronistic!
I will not buy Oneida products anymore!!
Thank you for exposing the ordination of the ‘recent’ change in women’s dress.
I just recently bought some eating utensils made by Oneida!😱
Well fortunately the cult behind the name is now dead as is also the Shaker cult that imposed universal childlessness celibacy in their followers.
The Oneida utensils were made in China. So they are not made in USA. The name Oneida is just a brand name now. Just like so many other brands that were made here but not anymore.
My wife has always been beautiful, now 77 years old and still beautiful. She loves wearing dresses and skirts! I think that the culprit of pants-wearing manifests a root spiritual deficit in Western society that must either change or it will destroy itself. Women must be beautiful and men must be spiritual heads of families! This is where culture will triumph and drive out feminism and their baby killing. The social disease is more pronounced in Western Europe. as we observe the Islamist taking over. American women must export femininity!
Great video ! And I liked that lady's video also (aside from some vulgarities). I liked her discussion about use of natural fibers also. I can't for the life of me figure out why polyester is so popular for sweat- inducing activities, yuck.
Dear Kennedy: Thank you so much for this very enlightening video! The trend towards slovenly attire is a plague on our society and its norms. Regarding female gym attire: while shorts and tank tops seem suitable for men “working out” the very tight fitting leotards and “yoga pants that women typically are wearing in gym setting quite frankly seem to do more with “making out” than working out. They are grossly immodest. But given many men’s propensity to leer at scantily dressed women I can now understand why many health conscious women choose only to attend women-only gyms. Because I try to avoid occasions of sin I find that when I am working out I have to avert my eyes whenever I am around women working out. Of course this also applies whenever I am encountering immodestly dressed women in public outside of the gym settings. Maintaining chastity in today’s society, which requires cleanliness of thoughts as well as behavior, really is much more difficult for believers today than it was in former times.