Hall, when Fr told the story of the Jesuit at the Gregorian.... literally putting the phone down, he spoke gibberish and then told a woman to “ divorce “ her husband.... my first thought was: This sounds like a satirical comic strip. My next thought was: “ I got to do something Catholic. Like pray the Divine Office. “

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It seems geared towards a feminine expression of faith undermining fatherly leadership of faith and the priesthood. Much of the spiritual age which is kabbalist leads to witchcraft and magic which is geared towards women that are exposed to talk to the devils and then compete against men for the head of the church. Thus protestantism has been leading towards single woman spiritual heads. It is not PC to point this out and men to try to protect against it but it seems clear to destory traditional catholic family. Kabbalah rabbis say abba kadabra to speak into existence,this reminds me that.

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Monsignor Knox is one of my personal heroes, and Enthusiasm is one of my favourite books by him.

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The ENTIRE basis for Vatican II is the sentiment that took hold throughout the clergy during the World Wars, that “People don’t believe because we’re disunified, therefore we have to unify so people will believe”. There’s nothing in Vatican II that does not boil down to this one principle.

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